CETOC is a pioneer concept and is the first and only comprehensive endoscopic thoracic center in the world. The center opened in April 2009 and in its first year performed over 300 advanced endoscopic procedures for patients from all over Quebec and elsewhere in Canada. For the year 2010, the center is en route to perform over 600 procedures and has become a major referral center for complex airway and esophageal diseases.
The CHUM Endoscopic Tracheo-bronchial and Oesophageal Center (C.E.T.O.C.) is a comprehensive, minimally invasive, trans-luminal advanced endoscopy center. CETOC is an integral part of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Montreal and is a unique center which uses minimally invasive techniques to diagnose, stage and treat diseases of the trachea, bronchi, lung, esophagus and mediastinum. These techniques are performed through the patients' natural orifices (airway and esophagus), obviating the need for surgery or incision.
Aside from pioneering minimally invasive endoscopic treatments and providing much needed care for a large volume of patients with diseases of the chest, CETOC has two secondary goals: education and research. CETOC currently trains residents and fellows in advanced endoscopic technique as well as many physicians already in practise who want to learn these techniques and apply them in their hospital center. CETOC also offers a one year clinical and research fellowship for fully trained thoracic surgeons where they can come and learn how to perform advanced endoscopic technique and integrate these techniques in their practise.
In terms of research, CETOC is at the forefront of the evaluation and development of new technology related to advanced endoscopy. The thoracic surgery clinical research laboratory has received research funding for evaluation and development of minimally invasive technology in thoracic surgery from various granting agencies including the Fonds de Recherche en Sante Quebec (FRSQ), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Society of University Surgeons (SUS), the Centre du Recherche du CHUM (CRCHUM) and the Fondation pour la Recherche en Chirurgie Thoracique du Montreal.